Jumat, 06 November 2015

Welcome Physical Product System

Welcome Physical Product System Bonus

Welcome " Hey everybody, it's Ma2 Schmi2 here, and first of all, thank you for joining me on this journey. We're going to be talking about the physical product system. This is a system that is really a culminaCon of my experience in the corporate world, my educaCon in business, and the things that we've been doing and tesCng and tweaking, and pushing to the next level in our own companies, in our own stores, and when we sell t-­‐shirts online as well. Know that this course is going to cover a lot of high level markeCng techniques that real corporaCons and big businesses use. We're going to take that and boil that down to the physical product level, when we're driving traffic via Facebook. Real quick what I want to do is go over an overview of the course, and in the next video, we're going to get started unto the meat. First we're going to go over the fundamentals. I list beginners and mid level people here, because more advanced people might not need to re-­‐read this course. This might be informaCon that you already know, but we want to give it here as making sure that we're establishing a baseline for the beginners so they can get started. Then also the mid level people, this might be a nice refresher for you. We're going to go over niche selecCon, product selecCon, and target selecCon in the AI targeCng tool, and we're really going to idenCfy who we're going to sell to, and what we're going to sell. Next we're going to get into the real meat. We're going to start talking about building your store. We're going to use what I like to call the MVP model. This is something that we developed, which is really just creaCng a minimal viable product, tesCng your store within the market, posiConing yourself correctly from day 1, helping your customers and potenCal customers understand who you are, and then driving traffic to that and going out from there.

We're not going to waste Cme and energy building an elaborate store out only for that to fail. We're going to build the minimal viable product, and then get that going and go from there. We're also going to talk about objecCon overcoming and customizaCon of that store. Next we're going to go over store opCmizaCon. The first secCon in here is called plugins. What we're really going to be talking about here is the criCcal plugins that you need to set up from day 1, the plugins that every store needs. Then you can customize from there out. Next we're going to talk about products advanced. This is going to really be building on that fundamental product selecCon, but we're really going to talk about posiConing the markeCng mix. If you understand how to posiCon yourself within a market, it doesn't really ma2er if you have compeCCon. There's tons of compeCCon in every industry. Look at trucks for example. How many different types of trucks are there, but everybody finds their angle into the market, and then sells. We're going to discuss how you can posiCon yourself to be ahead of the compeCCon or differenCate yourself from the compeCCon in order to make a sale. Last thing we're going to talk about is criCcal store pages. We're going to go over the things that really your customer should worry about, not necessarily you, but if your customer comes to your website and goes to your "about us" page and nothing's there, you're not going to make a sale. We're going to talk about that page and the other pages, and what you can do to posiCon yourself correctly in these pages to drive the sale, especially early on. The about us page that you create today should evolve over Cme, because you're posiConing yourself in the market throughout that Cme. Product life cycle: in this secCon we're really going to cover things that anybody selling any type of physical product can take advantage of. We're going to understand in this secCon that a product goes through 4 stages: introducCon, growth, maturity, and decline. Within each one of these stages, there are things that you need to take acCon on, to really get the most out of your product. If you just set an ad today that is the same ad as it is from now Cll the end of the month, you know you're not geXng the most out of it.

 If you never scale it, if you never segment it, if you never tweak if by any means, you might have a very unsuccessful ad run for an enCre month, or you might have a mediocre really profitable ad running to a very low budget, and of course we don't do that. In that course of your product's life cycle, however long that may be, you need to be looking for different types of indicaCons of, "I'm in the introducCon stage, I'm in the growth stage, I'm in the maturity stage, I'm in the decline stage," and we'll cover what you need to do in those secCons to really get the most out of what you're doing. Lastly we're going to be talking about customer and potenCal customer support. Facebook is a 2-­‐way street in terms of markeCng. You're going to have tons of people hiXng your page up, tons of people messaging your page, tons of pages wriCng things about you or tagging you in things, and you need to know how to respond to that. Then of course customer support would be things like answering emails, making sure the product arrives on Cme, or holding [T-­‐spring 00:05:39] accountable, or contacCng them to make sure that a t-­‐shirt is sent to the customer, or if you have someone contacCng you saying that the t-­‐shirt they got was bad, how are you going to respond to that? We'll cover all that in that secCon. Store scaling: store scaling is what we're going to do from the MVP model and beyond. If you have proven not only the product but the store, we're going to go start building more products or more stores, whatever you want to do, we're going to talk about it in that secCon there. Then systemizing and outsourcing. Systemizing the way that you build stores and the speed that you can do this, for example, the first Cme I built my e-­‐commerce store, it took me 2 weeks to get up. The second Cme I did it, it took me a week. The last Cme I did it, or the third Cme I did it, I should say, it took me 4 hours. That's because I systemized it. You're going to get the benefit of all that, and I'll show you how I systemized it, but at the same respect, once you're doing this mulCple Cmes and you're seXng it up over and over again, you're going to get be2er and be2er with it, and eventually we're going to outsource it.

We're going to talk about the different things you can outsource, that used to honestly, if you went from t-­‐shirts to your own store, you're going to have to take some of these things on to your shoulders at first, and then outsource them, like customer support. We'll go over where and how to outsource these things, to make sure that you're able to scale your business. That's it for the overview. If you are a beginner or mid level marketer, let's get into the fundamentals and go through those secCons, before we go into the store build. If you're more advanced and you want to skip over that secCon, get right into the store build and let's start talking about the MVP model. Okay? Good Schmi2. See you in the next video.

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